Baxter, a Piskie Childling speaks about the gardens... "Hi. Welcome to the gardens, it's kind of neat here. The Countess Amber is always mooning around here picking flowers and getting all thoughtful, I guess you can see all the different ones we have about." "I feel sort of sorry for the norms, all they can see are some wild flowers scattered about. Pretty I guess, but they don't have the vivid blues and stuff. The rows on rows. Uhmm? Me like the flowers ah.. no. I'm a boy." "I like the trees. I've climbed that one dozens of times. It's where I keep my ultra secret no girls allowed tree house. It has a trod near it, but most of the trods are located in the garden." "The new additions? You mean all those tiny dark purple flowers poking up? Don't ask the Countess. Sure does feel like there a little bits of glamour in each one though huh?"
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